Month: July 2018

NEWS ON THE WING: Message from the CinC

Message from David Mitchell, CinC

I’d like to thank everyone for their expressions of support as I take on the duties of the CinC. I’ve got a lot to learn, but with your help we’ll make the transition as smooth as possible.

We have at least one other big change that will be happening over the next few months: GEORGE BREDEHOFT, erstwhile Keeper of Kanones and Mr. Volare Products, will be taking over my job as FAC webmaster. This portends all sorts of exciting website developments! We’ll keep you posted for when to expect the transition to a new FAC website.

Need to communicate with me? I prefer e-mail. You can contact me at:

If snail mail is more your style, you’ll find my address in all issues of the FAC News. If you must phone, you’ll also find my # in the newsletter. As a rule, I don’t answer calls coming from numbers I don’t recognize, soo.. PLEASE LEAVE A MESSAGE, and LET ME KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!!

I look forward to serving the FAC!

Dave Mitchell FAC, CinC.



Having served as CinC for 10 years and as Lin Reichel’s right hand man for
some time before that, SKY MAYO has handed the reins of FAC power over to
DAVE MITCHELL effective 7/23/18.

When you see Sky, give him a round of applause and thanks!
He has earned it!


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