I believe I have replicated and redirected all of the old website. If you find errors or missing pages, please let me know.
Things remaining to do:
- update the Contest Calendar
- it is a big task to enter each contest
- add photos and/or a gallery
- it would help if I had a large repository of photos (I know photos are out there!)
- generate content
- I will be creating an account for the CinC so he can post when he likes
- create a “how-to” and “newbie” section for those wanting to learn more
- while the newsletters are available, I think a plan download area would be great.
- there will NOT be a forum/discussion area
- you CAN comment on any post or page that is on the site. This will be moderated and responses provided in an appropriate manner
- if you want to discuss the world of the FAC and Free Flight, in general, I encourage you to have these discussions on the FAC-GHQ Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/FlyingAcesClubGHQ/ I maintain and moderate that group.
Jimmy Jordan
Well Done! I find the new site easier to navigate than the old one. I like your list of coming attractions. You have put a lot of thought, as well as a tremendous amount of work, into this. THANK YOU.
Ross "Sky" Mayo
Thanks George.
Are thanks due to anyone else? I would like to personally thank them also.
Just Dave for helping me navigate and Rick for the map.
Sky Mayo
Thanks Dave and Rick.
Harrison Knapp
It would be nice to incorporate the useful index on techniques&tips which was originally compiled by George White and available on the nffs- site?
Good idea, Harrison. I do have that archived at my site, but it is probably more helpful on this site!
George White
George, you’ve done a wonderful job on the site. You might consider adding a link to the NFFS site specifically to the Technical Library. I transferred hundreds of articles on “how to” to the NFFS site when we shut down our website and I understand it is still accessed all over the world. Newbies (and maybe a couple of oldies) can find a lot of answers there which have been written by some of the best in the business.
Roy Courtney
Looks great George, thanks for your tremendous contributions to our sport.
Claude Powell
George, Really well done, very complete and user friendly.
Jack kacian
Wow! What a pleasant surprise when I googled “flying aces club” to find the new and greatly improved site, it is fantastic! I got so wrapped up in exploring all the new features that I forgot that I originally was looking for the contest calendar!
Great job, I know it takes grreat effort to produce such quality.!
Now off to the calendar page
Thanks for the comments, Jack. The Calendar is a work-in-progress. I am trying to come up with something that doesn’t take 15 minutes per event to load up. –george