Month: January 2020

2020-21 Rule Book NOW ONLINE

The latest FAC Rule Book is now online.  There are very minor changes, all in red text.

  • One of the “biggest” changes that there is now no minimum wingspan for Simplified Scale (so your Dimers now qualify for Simplified – although you cannot fly the same model in both events at the same contest).
  • Polyspan and similar tissue-like films are permitted, however “plastic” coverings are still prohibited. (You can use mylar – but you must cover it with tissue.)
  • A clarification on undercambered airfoils for Scale models – they are permitted where the original had undercamber.  They are prohibited where the full scale never had it – and prohibited in Dime, regardless of the original configuration.
  • Phantom Flash – minimum weight for “normal” events is 5g.  Lighter ARE permitted, if the CD announces a “master” class event without weight restrictions.  Both events can be run in one contest.
  • Goodyear Races now permit “designed and built for”, not just “flown”.

That’s it!  Download the new rules RIGHT HERE (or on the Rules page above on the menu).




Gone West – Larry Coslick

Another legend is gone.  On January 1st, Larry Coslick passed away.  Many FACers probably do not know Larry, but he was an excellent Indoor Flyer and flew enough outdoor to earn a Blue Max.  I believe he was on the 2000 World Championship team (F1D) and many probably know of his “Hobby Shopper” EZB design.  He was elected into the NFFS Hall of Fame in 2011.

Larry Coslick with his FAC Blue Max, presented at the 2018 AMA Indoor Nats in Rantoul, IL.


New Plans Archive – PRES BRUNING

Let’s start the new year 2020 off with a HUGE BANG!

Pres Bruning has given us permission to share his plans on the Flying Aces site!  It took a bit of time, but I now have them all (all that I have) on the site. This includes most of his “wildlife bostonians”.

You can find OVER 80 plans here (menu bar/Library/Plans – Page 2):




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