Month: August 2020

Local Contests – and Kanones!

Kanones awarded, including FIRST Kanones!

Over the last month, I’ve received several contest reports for local events from Michigan, Illinois, Colorado, Florida, New York, and Georgia.  People are getting together in small groups and flying.  As Chris Boehm would say, it is good therapy.

Of note, is the First Kanone for a third generation flyer, Owen Houck.  He took first in Blue Ridge Special at the Yankee Air Pirates’ meet at Geneseo!  Congratulations, Owen!

Owen Houck and his 1st kanone.  Photo submitted by his dad, Mark Houck


THREE Contests – and Other Stuff

The August 2020 Pirate Challenge (Geneseo) is STILL a GO, but with minor changes.  CHECK THE FLYER (and the FAC calendar).  NOTE:  the State of New York has a required 2-week quarantine for visitors from some/most states (likely you).

The September 2020 Rocky Mountain Champs (Colorado) is a GO.  It is on the FAC Calendar, but right now, I don’t have a flyer.  Its a 3-day event with 10 FAC events and a bushel of AMA/NFFS flying, too.

The October 2020 Texas Scale Champs is a GO.  Check the Flyer (and the FAC Calendar).

The 2020 FAC Postal Mini-Nats are OVER.  No winners have been announced yet.  But if you didn’t get your postcards sent in, TOO BAD, you missed out.  I am sure the mini-CDs will reveal the hat-drawn winners soon.

One note coming out of the Mini-Nats: Wally Farrell notched ANOTHER Minute-Plus JetCat flight!  Dave Mitchell timed his T-37 Tweet to 68 seconds before it came down in some trees.  He has been logged (again!) on the Sierra Hotel list.

The Kanone List ( and the Memorial List) have been updated this morning (some local contest have been taking place).

Since a lot of us are having issues flying this year, some of us tossed together an unofficial fun event for Small Fields.  Similar to Half-Wake, it is 50% Old Timer.  Check out my previous post for details.  Build ’em up, Buttercup!  Let’s see yours!


A New Fun Event for Small Fields – 50% Old Timer

Here is an idea that a few of us have been tossing around.  It won’t be an official FAC event (or even an official proposed event) unless the ground swell on this is popular.  That is:  Half Scale Old Timers.  Here are some basic guidelines:

Small Field HSOT/OSOT

A fun event for small fields – Half Scale Old Timers (HSOT) and Originally Small Old Timers (OSOT)

HSOT: Any Old Timer (Cabin or Stick) reduced to 50% span
– must have enclosed motors
– Maximum span is 18″
– If your Original was greater than 36″ span, reduce it until it is 18″ or less
– Maintain outlines and proportions
– Ribs and Sticks may be reduced in quantity, if desired.
– if you reduce 2-Bits, they need to be 13″ or less (50%) – not 18″
– props and rubber is your choice.

OSOT: Originally Small Old Timers
– must have enclosed motors (Phantom Flash and the like are not eligible)
– Original Old Timers with 18″ span or less
– built per plan, no reduction or enlargement
– no stick or rib modifications – per plan
– building per plan allows their eligibility in OT Stick, OT Fuse or 2-Bit

Total of Three Flights (TOTF)
– max time is CD’s discretion

The aim of this is to create and Old Timer Fun Event for small fields.  Note: Old Timers were built to fly and these will probably still fly away!  These will build to Dimer size or Embryo size (to give an idea of accuracy or performance).

Peanut-sized Flea

Pacific Ace Jr (OSOT)

Half Gollywock


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