Month: July 2021

Blue Max Awarded at the AMA Outdoor Nats!

Dohrm Crawford from Georgia was awarded his Blue Max at Muncie.  He is currently at 20 wins.


Rick Pangel/AMA photograph


Pres Bruning in the News!

AMA Indoor Nats News!

EasyBuilt Models presents Pres Bruning with the FIRST Production kit of his famous Flying Fish!  Pres has been flying this model for several years.  We did not include the plan in the Free Pres Bruning plans that are online because we knew Dave was working on the kit.  This presentation was made as a surprise for Pres at the Indoor Nats last week in Pontiac.  His family brought him up and I think he was suitably surprised!  This is a fitting honor for Pres, whose plans have inspired so many around the world.  Here is the write-up by the AMA staff (the text was likely written by Mike Welshans):

July 22, 2021: Designer Receives First Production Kit at Indoor Free Flight Nats

(photo from the article)


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