Month: April 2019

Kanones Updated!

The Kanone and Memorial lists have been updated.  This occurs at the beginning of every month – if I remember (hence the delay this month).

Significant notes:

One flyer earned a Blue Max (16 kanones) – Duke Horn from Texas.  We plan to award this in September at the FAC Outdoor Champs.

One Blue Max shipped to a recipient this month –  Don Smith from California.  Don does not plan to attend any upcoming “big” events, so we shipped it to his squadron leader for presentation.

Three flyers earned their first kanones this past month:

  • Ondrej Mitas
  • Scott Richlen
  • Steven Wrigley

Congratulations to all!

CDs – Outdoor flying season is nearly here – don’t forget to send in those contest reports (you can email results to kanonereport AT

Builders & Flyers – check out your local events – you don’t have to fly to get inspiration.   Look for one near you on the Calendar Page.

See you on the flying field!


’19 non-Nats News, Notes, and Nuances!

Hear Ye! Hear Ye!  Prepare your planes; picayune to ponderous!  The Event Schedule for the Flying Aces Club 2019 Non-Nats Contest has been FINALIZED!  Find it HERE.

Note these Special Events!

  • Battle of Britain Mass Launch!  ONLY these planes on THIS LIST are Eligible! YES – that HIGH-WINGER IS ELIGIBLE!
  • One Design- EKW C-3603 TOTF!  This is the 2019 Cloudbusters One-Design for the non-Nats and Outdoor Champs. Artwork HERE.  (Rumor has it you can get a short kit somewhere – ask around).
  • the new NATIONAL AIR RACES Mass Launch!  For 1920 – 1939 racers that Raced in the US.  (verified Greve and Thompson planes NOT eligible – check the new rules.)

Note These Rule Clarifications!

  • FAC Peanut event – ALL Peanuts eligible. (no HWP at this non-Nats)
  • FAC Scale will be AVERAGE of THREE FLIGHTS with INVERTED SCORING (to continue testing of this scoring system)
  • FAC Peanut, Jumbo, and Giant will be Best One of Three Flights
  • ALL TOTF Non-Scale Events MUST have time-slips in by 4:30 to permit time for flyoffs, if needed.

And there’s more!  No-Blue-Max events!  On-Field BBQ!  Mega, Mega, Mega!  Golden Hour Flying!!!  The biggest FAC Contest of the year!  Be there or be square!

Check the FAC Calendar:

2019 non-Nats flyer:

Battle of Britain List:

See you there!



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