Month: December 2019

Gone West – Mike Nassise

Today, we learned that the long-time editor of the “Tailspin” newsletter, Mike Nassise passed away in late November.  Tailspin newsletter subscribers received a letter from his widow informing them of the sad news.  I found his obituary online, if you care to read it:

Besides editing the newsletter, Mike drew dozens and dozens of plans for the issues.  He certainly has many, many admirers of his plans as they build well and fly well, too.  He was elected to the FAC Hall of Fame in 2006. We certainly have lost another giant.

Mike Nassise – photo from his obituary page


CALL for NOMINATIONS – 2019 NFFS Model of the Year

EDITOR:  Do NOT post nominations here.  Read the message and send via email

I’m the Chair of the National Free Flight Society, (NFFS), Model of the Year Committee. I am very interested in finding out which designs or innovations impressed you most in 2019. We are looking for innovation, an excellent design or craftsmanship, and/or a stellar contest record. Models in consideration shall have been built and demonstrated recently, not in decades past.

We have an excellent committee of expert modelers who will select the winners. The winners will be widely publicized, and also displayed in the NFFS Symposium. The Symposium will be published and delivered this summer. It will be available through NFFS.

I would like nominations in Scale, FAI Outdoor, AMA Outdoor, and AMA/FAI Indoor. Or some technology, technique or device that is revolutionary.

Any modeler of any country is free to make a nomination or receive the award.

Send your nominations to me at My name is Dohrman Crawford.

Thank you in advance for your help.

Dohrman Crawford


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