Month: May 2020

Sky Bunny WORLD-WIDE MASKED Launch – 07 June 2020

From Frank Scott and Michael Smith, McCook Squadron, Dayton, Ohio

OK Skysters, get your Bill Warner designed Sky Bunnies ready for the big memorial SKY BUNNY MASKed LAUNCH.  This is now OPEN TO EVERYONE as a world-wide Fun-Fly. Post your times, photos, videos, and tales of adventure (and mis-adventure!) online, try the McCook Facebook Page or the FAC-GHQ Facebook Page!

As you all know, we chose to cancel/postpone the upcoming June 6-7 McCook Field Aero Squadron contest at Muncie due to the threat and logistic complications arising from the Covid 19 infection. We intended the final activity at this contest to be a Mass Launch of Sky Bunnies in tribute to the memory of Bill Warner.

June 07, 2020 at Twin Towers Park between Fairborn and Yellow Springs Ohio. Please be on site and ready no later than 3:30 PM EDST for the actual launch at 4:00PM EDST.

No Kanones, No fees, Just Flying camaraderie.

Because of the ongoing Covid-19 threat we respectfully ask everyone present to observe all appropriate safety procedures.

NOTE:  You can get the Sky Bunny Kit from Peck Polymers click HERE.

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JOHN HOUCK, Sr – Gone West

This just in from Tom Hallman:

Sad to report that yesterday morning, we lost a dedicated FACer and a great friend, John Houck, Sr.  Over three years ago, the doctors only gave him a few months, but he wasn’t hearing it.  Too much on the build list, is the story I heard.
Here is what his youngest son and fellow FACer Mark Houck wrote:
“My dad, John Houck Sr, passed away early this morning.  We had all of his children and my mom with him over the Memorial Day Weekend.  He was in good enough health to continue building until four or five days ago.  The last few days, the sickness and the meds got the best of him.  He is, without a doubt, in a better place now.  Building and flying models was his favorite thing to do, which made you all family to him.  What a family it is.  Cut and glue a piece of wood while thinking of him today and as he always used to say, “Keep ’em flying”.  Mark”
So yes, use the good wood, put some sticks together today in John’s honor.  Big John was a good one, the best of what the FAC has to offer.

Here is a photo that Tom included and one I took a few years ago.  John was certainly a fixture at the FAC Geneseo contests.


McCook @ Muncie, 6/7 June – CANCELLED

This just in from Frank Scott:

Hello again Skysters,
Referring to my earlier email of this evening, and considering that the respondents thereof were unanimous in their view of the current threat to health, I am sending this notice out to state that although the anticipated contest would be a wonderful thing indeed, the risks to health is unacceptable.
The consensus of the McCook Field Aero Squadron is that the  6/7 June 2020 contest at Muncie IN must be postponed until the threat of disease is reduced to an acceptable level, if not cancelled altogether.  Perhaps we will be lucky in the fall of this year.
Sorry that the Corona Virus 19 situation turned out this way, but it did.
So, stay in touch by all available media, keep on building and practicing in safety.


Durham Field, 14 June – CANCELLED

Ed Novak reports a decision to CANCEL the scheduled contest at Durham Field (CT) on 14 June.


TTOMA Chattahoochee Challenge CANCELED

This just in from Atlanta:

Just received word from Karl Hube of the Thermal Thumbers of Metro Atlanta (TTOMA) that the June 13-14 2020 Chattahoochee Challenge contest has be canceled.
“Because the Covid-19 threat continues to be strong, it has been decided that a two-day contest is not safe in the next few weeks. A two-day competition requires overnight accommodations and  restaurants in the area and many of these facilities are not fully operational yet. Visitors may not feel that their health is safe staying overnight. Note that this contest will not be rescheduled. (Karl Hube)”
Jimmy Jordan, Secretary
Carolina Area Free Flight Association



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