It’s surely disappointing, but the CDs of these two back-to-back Muncie September classics have decided it is better that we cancel them rather than risk our friends getting sick.
Yes, flying outdoors is relatively risk-free (if we cut down on all that hugging), but large multi-day contests require that contestants travel from far away and come in contact with a wide variety of people in many different places, like motels and restaurants, etc.
With any luck, we’ll see you all next year! Get in some flying locally, if you can.
If you flew your Sky Bunny last Sunday at 4:00PM (07 June), please let him know so he can tabulate the results in Bill Warner’s memory. Pictures, times, and stories would be welcome!
Calling All Skysters! Are you down because the Nats were cancelled? Maybe you can’t get out to fly with your buddies yet? Well, it’s the FAC-GHQ to the rescue!
As seen in the most recent FAC News, there is a POSTAL CONTEST that will run from the 4th of July through the end of July !!! Being a postal contest, you can fly in your back yard! Even if you weren’t going to drive to New York, you can now participate in the 2020 FAC Postal Mini Nats! Get the full details in the attached FLYER, but here’s the TLDR (Too Long, Didn’t Read) or the BLUF (Bottom Line Up Front) or just call it “the skinny“:
Each event has its own “mini-Cd” to whom you need to mail your POST CARD ENTRY
You shall only enter ONE ENTRY per Event per Flyer per Post Card ***
All events are Best Three of Six, with those three averaged
So I know what you’re thinking: “why should I/I’m not the best flyer/I always lose to those guys” Well, bucko, stop yer sobbin’…
For ALL events, a winning “target” time will be drawn from a hat at the end of the contest. The flyer that comes closest without exceeding that time WINS (and gets a Kanone)!!!
So, read the FLYER for full details †††, grab your favorite ships (and a notebook!) and head to the flying field. FLY IN JULY!!!
*** – technically, you can write TWO events on one card to the same mini-CD
††† – the FLYER is loaded with details, include the names/addresses of the mini-CDs – don’t get your entries mixed up!