Get on your Bad Bleriot and Ride!
Thanks to Lyman Hatz (on Facebook)!
Get on your Bad Bleriot and Ride!
Thanks to Lyman Hatz (on Facebook)!
Never Ready Eddie Novak has compiled and submitted the results for this most unusual “Nats” That was brought on by the nation-wide COVID pandemic. In case you don’t remember, we were to hold the FAC Nats this July, but cancelled that and opted for a mail-in Postal contest with eight events. Contestants were encouraged to fly on their own and submit time via POSTCARD ONLY. The winners would be selected at random. This surely cut down on participants as it appears people would rather drive hundreds of miles than mail in a postcard – haaww!! Regardless, here is a note from NRE that accompanied the results:
Congratulations to the lucky eight winners. The winning post card was “drawn from the hat in
each event”. As you can see there was a good turnout in all of the events. There were also
some mysterious entrants, can you pick them out? The variety of the types of cards was
amazing, from recycled old cards to homemade cards to index cards, true FAC imagination.
Comments were “hand wound and flown in the back yard”, “small motor and low turns so I
wouldn’t lose it”, and of course “eat tofu”.FLYING ACES CLUB SALUTE to ALL!
Thanks to the devoted mini-CDs for receiving all the entries. Eddie notes elsewhere that all entries were put into a “hat” and the youngest attendee at one of their local Connecticut contests drew the winners. The results prove several things to be true: 1) you can’t keep Tom Hallman and Wally Farrell down, 2) Chambermaids will win, and 3) people can get their first kanone anytime, anyplace!
Here are the results (more comments below the results):
Hi-Start Scale Glider: Ed Pelatowski, CT
JetCat: Tom Hallman, PA
FAC Peanut: Bruce Foster, NJ
Simplified Scale: Wally Farrell, VA
2-Bit plus 1: Dan Driscoll, FL
Dime Scale: Franklin Venturini, CT (First Kanone!)
No-Cal: James Martin, GA
National Air Races: GEORGE Skelly, MA (clerical error pointed out by William Skelly)
Remember, High Flight Time didn’t mean you won – these were random selections. There ARE some rather spectacular times in there: Linda Wrisley in California, submitting 48 seconds with a Lockheed StarJet JetCat (its a canard!), she also put in 333 seconds on a Supreme Traveler 2-Bit! Doug Beardsworth bravely submitted 4 seconds on a U-2 JetCat – and he also entered his COVID 8″ NoCal Rare Bear for 6 seconds! I am going to need to have a sit-down with my flying pal, Ron – a Bonzo doesn’t qualify for the NAR (~sigh~). Regarding Wally and Tom winning, don’t be bitter – Hung shines on all of us sometimes; he just shines on them a lot more!
Well done, everyone!
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